PVCF Nutrition

Our nutrition programs are open to everyone — you do NOT need to be a member of our gym to take full advantage of our nutrition services. Our nutrition program is designed to provide you with an easy approach to nutrition and wellness.

At PVCF Nutrition we use simple behavior modification strategies to create positive change without the stress of “dieting.” We provide a teaching program to build life-long skills one step at a time. Sign up below for a Free Nutrition Consultation and see how our program could help you!

How does PVCF Nutrition Work?

Our nutrition program is a two-phase approach. During Phase I we determine a nutrition baseline. We set you up with a customized plan, and test biometrics. Clients will then graduate onto Phase II (Ongoing Coaching) where we focus on accountability and tweaking the plan to see optimal results. Each of our options provide varying levels of accountability so you have what you need to be successful!

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, get more energy, or gain muscle, our nutrition program provides individualized coaching to help you reach your specific goals. We don’t guess. We offer scientific body composition tracking in order to follow your success. Changing your eating habits is a lifestyle change, therefore, we offer up to weekly accountability sessions to help keep you on track.